Robert N. Katz, Esq.

“Self Help” Author Settles Three Wrongful Death Suits

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | December 14, 2011

When one takes the advice of another who claims to be offering advice, or help, the expected outcome is a positive one, not a tragedy. However, this the outcome was not a positive one for three individuals who participated in one of James Arthur Ray’s sweat lodges in 2009. For those three individuals, what was […]

School Bus Safety Still an Issue as More Child Pedestrians are Injured

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | December 12, 2011

School bus stop laws provide directives for what a motorist may and may not do while in the vicinity of a bus stop being operated by a school bus providing school transport. For drivers, not only are the rules of the road fairly simple when it comes to school bus safety, but the primary regulations […]

Mississippi Malpractice Insurer Says More Tort Reform is Unnecessary: Plaintiffs’ Attorneys Foresee “Loser-Pays” Will Curb Frivolous Litigation

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | December 8, 2011

Texas Governor and presidential hopeful Rick Perry has publicly touted the success of his state’s “loser pays” law and it appears that quite a few elected officials are taking heed. In fact, Mississippi’s Governor-elect, Phil Bryant, may just have his eye on similar tort reform, and there’s a high probability that such legislation would pass, […]

Social Workers may be Liable in the Wrongful Death of a Denver, Colorado Child

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | December 6, 2011

The death of a child is always a tragedy. However when a child dies under the circumstances of horrific abuse, the tragedy is that much worse. When children are the victims of child abuse, there is no question that those at fault should be held accountable. Normally, those found to be at fault are relatives […]

Family Brings Wrongful Death Suit Against American Airlines, but not as a result of Plane Crash

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | November 30, 2011

The wife and daughter of the late Othon Cortes, of Miami, are bringing suit against American Airlines as the result of Cortes’ death. However, the cause of his death was not the result of a plane crash, as one may expect. According to Mr. Cortes’ family, he died as a result of ingesting contaminated food […]

The Colorado Supreme Court Reverses Lower Courts decision and approves $10 Million Dollar Verdict against Wal-Mart in Slip and Fall Case

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | November 23, 2011

According to the ABA, earlier this month, the Colorado Supreme court reversed a lower court’s determination that Wal-Mart Stores Inc. was entitled to a new trial, and approved a $10 million award to a truck driver who had to undergo multiple spinal surgeries as a result of the injuries she sustained after slipping and […]

Physician Profile Database similar to the one restored in Illinois may be Helpful to Georgia Patients

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | November 18, 2011

Knowledge is key, especially when it comes to making healthcare and medical decision. The more information a patient has on his or her perspective physician, the better decisions that patient can make regarding their medical care. Giving patients more access to information about physicians may lead to less medical malpractice, and would keep dangerous doctors, […]

Car Manufacturer Finds a Way around New Distracted Driving Laws: Car Crashes and Texting While Driving Still Pose Problems

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | November 17, 2011

The Governor’s Highway Safety Association, headquartered in Washington, D.C. has crafted a synopsis of all state cell phone and text messaging laws, available on its Website at According to their site, texting while driving has been banned in approximately 35 states so far, with Georgia joining the roster in late 2010. Aimed at curbing […]

School Bus Seatbelt Safety and Manufacturer Liability in Crashes: Accident and Wrongful Death Claims to Continue

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | November 1, 2011

According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, two drivers were injured Wednesday morning when two school buses collided in DeKalb County. A bus from Bright Beginnings Learning Center, traveling southbound, rear-ended a DeKalb County special needs bus en route to McNair High School. While no children were harmed during this particular bus accident, the collision itself brings […]

Bavis Family’s 9/11 Wrongful Death Lawsuit: Revisited

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | October 7, 2011

In August, I commented on the wrongful death suit that the Bavis family was bringing on behalf of Mark Bavis, who died as a result of the September 11th tragedy. The Bavis family alleged in its suit, which was brought against United Airlines and its security contractor, Huntleigh USA, that both entities were liable for […]