Personal Injury

Motorcycle Safety Involves More than Meets the Eye.

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | May 8, 2020

The weather is getting warmer and the roadways have been emptier than they normally are.  This combination can make for a motorcyclist’s dream. The National Safety Council has deemed the month of May as Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month.   This is the time to bring awareness to both motorcyclists and drivers alike to the special safety […]

Tips for Night Time Boating Safety

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | March 31, 2020

During the difficult recent times, there are limited options for people to engage in outdoor or recreational activity.  For those who own a boat, being out on the lake may be one of the few options left. Boating at anytime of the day or year must be approached with skill and care.  However, boating at […]

When Can You File a Lawsuit?

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | December 9, 2019

If you are injured in an accident, oftentimes the last thing that may be on your mind is starting a lawsuit.  However, your injuries may be severely impacting your ability to work, to interact with your family and to live your daily life.  And, more often than not, if your injuries were the result of […]

What You Need to Know If You’re a Victim of a Hit-and-Run Accident

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | November 25, 2019

Being in a car accident is enough to ruin anyone’s day.  But when you are a victim of a hit and run accident, it can double a person’s frustrations. If you are involved in a motor vehicle accident, Georgia law requires a driver to stop after an accident and provide identifying information to the other […]

Bus Company Keeps Negligent Driver Despite 50 Prior Accidents

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | September 19, 2019

In a recent case in New Jersey, a pedestrian was struck by a city bus in an intersection.  The bus’ impact caused catastrophic injuries to the pedestrian including permanent brain injury, as well as multiple fractures and broken bones. What is as, if not more, troubling about this accident is that the driver of the […]

Bike Lanes – Not As Safe As You Think

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | September 13, 2019

Cities throughout the U.S., and over the globe, are increasingly encouraging alternative forms of transportation to ease traffic and improve air quality.  In response, bicycling as a means of transportation has gained popularity in many urban areas.  And with the increase of cyclists on the road, city planners and governments have been working to improve […]

Why Boating and Alcohol Do not Mix

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | July 16, 2019

A large number of boating accidents on Georgia’s lakes and rivers are linked to alcohol consumption. Unfortunately, far too many boaters believe that the “no drinking and driving” rules that apply when they are driving a car no longer apply when they are operating a boat. According to statistics, about 16 percent of all boating […]

Pedestrian and Bicyclist Accident Fatalities Increased in 2018

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | July 1, 2019

Summer is here which means more people are out walking or riding their bikes.  This also means that there more pedestrians and bicyclist are at risk of being struck by a motorist while enjoying their activity.  Preliminary data shows that pedestrian and bicyclist accident deaths increased last year, even though there was a slight drop […]

How Nurses’ Mental Health can Impact Patient Safety

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | June 19, 2019

When you are being treated at the hospital, it is not uncommon for you to interact more with the nurses than with the doctors.   And because of that, the nurse’s role plays a critical part in your treatment.  Many patients are not aware, however, that a nurse’s emotional and mental well-being can have a significant […]

What is Comparative Negligence and How Can It Impact my Slip and Fall Claim?

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | April 1, 2019

When you have suffered an injury as the result of a slip and fall accident, you may be able to file a claim for compensation. However, Georgia law has a provision called comparative negligence that essentially allows for a reduction of your compensation if it is found that you, the injured party, were responsible for […]