Recall of Toy Helicopters Highlights Hazards to Children – Product Liability Claims Likely

In a fairly major nod towards products liability issues in the toy industry, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and Health Canada are warning consumers about toy helicopters and parts with model numbers BLH350, BHL3500 and BHL3514 that were sold at retailers during March of this year. As an Atlanta personal injury lawyer, I know that the reality of this recall is that children have suffered an injury.

Toy safety is a pervasive issue for concerned parents that continues to rear its ugly head. Dangers come in all forms – from faulty or too small parts to hazardous toxins and chemicals. Over the past 25 years, the Public Interest Research Group (PIRG) has helped to identify many of these risks. Their efforts, the efforts of similar organizations, and an unprecedented amount of toy recalls and injuries undoubtedly helped drive Congress to make a more substantial and overt move towards rectifying the situation.

In this particular case, approximately 18,000 sold in the United States and Canada are being voluntarily recalled because they pose potential impact and laceration hazards. There have been 312 reports of the rotor blades of these models being released from the motor head. 34 of those incidents resulted in a user being struck, and another 12 resulting in lacerations to a user’s person, according to the CPSC.

In August of 2008, Congress passed what turned out to be a major overhaul of the Consumer Product Safety Commission since it was first established during the Nixon Administration. By passing the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA), the agency’s budget was expanded and it received more and better methods by which it could hold corporate manufacturers accountable. The strict guidelines imposed by the landmark act also gives Atlanta products liability lawyers a leg up when pursuing cases on behalf of wronged clients, especially since many toys may still pose hazard even though they appear to meet the letter of the law.

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