“auto accidents”

US Car Accident Wrongful Deaths Hit Record Highs in First Quarter of 2022

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | September 19, 2022

The first three months of 2022 had more devastating news for American motorists with traffic and car accident wrongful deaths during this period of time hitting a 20-year high.  All estimates seem to suggest that far from offering hope for the future, the news on the traffic safety front does not seem to be getting […]

Calls for Stricter SUV Standards to Prevent Car Accidents

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | September 12, 2022

A US Senator is calling on the federal administration to strengthen frontal visibility standards for SUVs in order to prevent the kind of auto accidents caused when drivers are unable to see child pedestrians walking in front of the SUV. This visibility issue has resulted in pedestrian accidents which, all too often, result in the […]

Feds Launch Campaign to Prevent Speeding- Related Car Accidents

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | September 6, 2022

Spurred by a recent spike in the number of people being killed in car accidents caused directly by speeding motorists, the federal administration is taking long awaited action. It is launching a nationwide campaign that specifically targets drivers who may be at risk of driving at reckless speeds. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recently […]

Most Americans Strongly Support Rules to Reduce Teen Car Accidents

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | August 25, 2011

Automobile accidents are the biggest factor in teen wrongful deaths. Car accident lawyers believe that those fatality numbers could drop if more states, including Georgia adopted stronger teen driver graduated driver licensing programs. A new survey indicates that such programs have strong support. The survey by Allstate Insurance involved more than 1,000 adults, and tried […]