“car accident”

Children Have Lowered Risk of Accident-Related Injuries when Grandparents Are Driving the Car

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | July 22, 2011

Here’s some news Atlanta car accident attorneys don’t hear every day. A study has found that children who are involved in a car accident when one of their grandparents is driving a car, have a much lowered risk of suffering injuries than when they are involved in an auto accident in a car being driven […]

Georgia Supreme Court Rules Store Can Be Held Liable for Wrongful Deaths in Drunk Driving Accident

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | July 18, 2011

The Georgia Supreme Court has ruled that a convenience store that sold beer to a motorist, who was later involved in a fatal car accident that killed him and five other people, can be held liable in the auto accident. It’s an important decision, and will give people the right to recover not just from […]