
Father Charged in Death of Own Child in Smyrna, Georgia DUI Car Accident

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | February 25, 2014

Fatal car accidents occurring as the result of a motorist driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol are always tragic. Just as unfortunate, is when the resulting car crash claims not only the lives of other, innocent motorists but also the lives of the inebriated motorist’s own passengers. All too often, we hear about […]

Tennessee Doctor Sued for Leaving New Born Baby for Dead in Hospital

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | January 12, 2012

The birth of a child is an event that for the mother should be one of the most cherished memories of her life. However, for one Tennessee mother, this date of her child’s birth marks one of the most terrible and devastating days of her life. This is so, because according to the mother, instead […]

Social Workers may be Liable in the Wrongful Death of a Denver, Colorado Child

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | December 6, 2011

The death of a child is always a tragedy. However when a child dies under the circumstances of horrific abuse, the tragedy is that much worse. When children are the victims of child abuse, there is no question that those at fault should be held accountable. Normally, those found to be at fault are relatives […]