
Missouri Supreme Court Upholds State’s Cap on Non-Economic Damage

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | May 17, 2012

As you may have read, I recently wrote regarding lawsuits that are currently pending in Mississippi, where the proponents of the suits are seeking to have the stat’s cap on tort damages overturned. However, it seems that Mississippi is not the only state that is currently facing this issue. In Missouri, after winning a recent […]

The Resolution of Two Personal Injury Cases May End Mississippi’s Cap on Non-Economic Damages

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | May 2, 2012

According to Gulflive.com, a state judge has declared a legislatively imposed cap on how much juries can award in non-economic damages unconstitutional. Circuit Judge Charles Webster in Coahoma County issued the ruling April 20 in a 14-page opinion. He criticized the Legislature for intruding into judicial authority. Webster’s ruling came in a motion filed by […]

General Electric Found Liable for the Wrongful Death of Nine Firefighters

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | April 4, 2012

According to KDRV.com and Pantagraph.com an Oregon jury ruled Tuesday that a problem with an engine was responsible for the 2008 crash of a helicopter that killed nine firefighters during a wildfire in Northern California. The jury in Portland reached its verdict after a pilot who survived, along with the widow of one who was […]

The Colorado Supreme Court Reverses Lower Courts decision and approves $10 Million Dollar Verdict against Wal-Mart in Slip and Fall Case

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | November 23, 2011

According to the ABA Journal.com, earlier this month, the Colorado Supreme court reversed a lower court’s determination that Wal-Mart Stores Inc. was entitled to a new trial, and approved a $10 million award to a truck driver who had to undergo multiple spinal surgeries as a result of the injuries she sustained after slipping and […]

The Recently Emerging Trend of Criminalizing Medical Malpractice may change how Doctors Practice Medicine

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | September 27, 2011

Normally, when a patient, or a patient’s family, believes that the treating physician may have been negligent in some case, the remedy is the pursuit of a civil medical malpractice case with the aid of a medical malpractice attorney. However, according to Reuters U.S. News, there has been an emerging trend over the past few […]

Law Suit Filed against Advertising Company 1-800-GET-THIN Claims Fraud and Deviation from the Applicable Standard of Care

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | September 16, 2011

The family of a California woman who died three days after receiving weight loss surgery filed a law suit September 2, 2011 against the advertising firm and physicians alleged to be responsible for the decedent’s death. Although the classification of the allegations was not made known, according to the information released by DaillyBreeze.com, it is […]

Bavis Family may be the First to Recover in a Wrongful Death Suit against Airline Stemming from the 9/11Tragedy

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | August 2, 2011

No one knows the terror that Mark Bavis faced as his flight was hijacked and subsequently crashed into the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. However, a U.S. District Court Judge ruled on Wednesday July 27th, 2011, that Bavis’ family may be able to recover “terror” or pain and suffering damages for the minutes […]