“health care”

Physician Profile Database similar to the one restored in Illinois may be Helpful to Georgia Patients

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | November 18, 2011

Knowledge is key, especially when it comes to making healthcare and medical decision. The more information a patient has on his or her perspective physician, the better decisions that patient can make regarding their medical care. Giving patients more access to information about physicians may lead to less medical malpractice, and would keep dangerous doctors, […]

Medical Costs Are Outstripping Coverage, Causing Headaches for Patients

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | September 26, 2011

A practice called “balance billing” has patients with full medical coverage paying exorbitant out-of-pocket costs, according to a report in the Atlanta Journal Constitution. It’s a controversial and sometimes illegal practice that occurs when a patient’s health plan pays less than what the doctor or institution wants to be paid, and it has healthcare providers […]