“heat stroke”

Is Negligence Alone to Blame in Toddler’s Hyperthermia Death?

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | June 30, 2014

For many in Atlanta, this summer began with a toddler’s tragic death and…a question. On June 18th of this year, 22 month old Cooper Harris perished after his father mistakenly left him alone in the family car for seven hours as temperatures at the father’s office park reached their peak. Per the coroner, the Cobb […]

Hyperthermia Second Leading Cause of Death as Adults Negligently Leave Children Unattended

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | June 27, 2011

“72 degrees and sunny is no way to die. Never leave your child alone in a car.” This was the warning being distributed by Safe Kids USA along with the news that the 500th child has died from heat stroke – a record that is not to be celebrated. According to Safe Kids, an average […]