
Families of the Victims of the Upper Big Branch Mine Disaster Finally Receive Compensation

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | January 11, 2012

According to both the Charleston Gazette and USA Today, on Tuesday January 10, 2012, Alpha Natural Resources finally finalized a deal that resolved the last of the wrongful death workers compensation claims and wrongful death lawsuits of the families of the 29 miners who died in the Upper Big Branch Mine Disaster. This deal comes […]

Death of a New Born Baby Leads Wal-Mart to Pull Baby Formula from Shelves

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | December 27, 2011

The death of a new born child in Missouri has lead Wal-Mart stores to pull the brand of powdered bay formula that is possibly connected with the infant’s death from its shelves. Wal-Mart has pulled the formula from its shelves as a precautionary measure, and likely to avoid exposing itself to any possible products liability […]

“Self Help” Author Settles Three Wrongful Death Suits

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | December 14, 2011

When one takes the advice of another who claims to be offering advice, or help, the expected outcome is a positive one, not a tragedy. However, this the outcome was not a positive one for three individuals who participated in one of James Arthur Ray’s sweat lodges in 2009. For those three individuals, what was […]