“medical professionals”

Atlanta Medical Malpractice Retrial Worth a Potential $50 Million Commences in Cobb County

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | January 8, 2014

According to the Daily Report, at the center of a medical malpractice retrial in Cobb County, Georgia, is whether an obstetrician will be held liable for a baby born with brain damage in 2008. The baby in question, Tucker Sutton, also called “Mighty Tuck” by his loved ones, sustained the injuries when he became trapped […]

New Senate Bill May Make Medical Malpractice Suits More Difficult to Prove

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | April 18, 2012

Hospital representatives and trial lawyers clashed Tuesday before the House Judiciary Committee over a bill that would give patients an alternative method for resolving medical malpractice claims. Senate Bill 406 was passed by a wide margin in the Senate last month. Now, both House and Senate leaders are eager to get the committee’s endorsement and […]