“medical providers”

Atlanta Medical Malpractice Retrial Worth a Potential $50 Million Commences in Cobb County

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | January 8, 2014

According to the Daily Report, at the center of a medical malpractice retrial in Cobb County, Georgia, is whether an obstetrician will be held liable for a baby born with brain damage in 2008. The baby in question, Tucker Sutton, also called “Mighty Tuck” by his loved ones, sustained the injuries when he became trapped […]

Failure of Pharmacists to Heed Computerized Drug Warnings May Lead to Medical Malpractice Lawsuits

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | April 11, 2012

After visiting our physicians, we trust our local pharmacist to accurately fill our prescriptions. In order to do so, most pharmacists rely on computerized warning systems which alert then if there are potentially dangerous effects or conflicts with the drugs that they are prescribing to a particular patient. However, a recently conducted study revealed that […]