
Physician Profile Database similar to the one restored in Illinois may be Helpful to Georgia Patients

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | November 18, 2011

Knowledge is key, especially when it comes to making healthcare and medical decision. The more information a patient has on his or her perspective physician, the better decisions that patient can make regarding their medical care. Giving patients more access to information about physicians may lead to less medical malpractice, and would keep dangerous doctors, […]

The Recently Emerging Trend of Criminalizing Medical Malpractice may change how Doctors Practice Medicine

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | September 27, 2011

Normally, when a patient, or a patient’s family, believes that the treating physician may have been negligent in some case, the remedy is the pursuit of a civil medical malpractice case with the aid of a medical malpractice attorney. However, according to Reuters U.S. News, there has been an emerging trend over the past few […]

Patients May be Ill Advised to Visit Hospitals in July: Recently Reviewed Studies Confirm that Hospital Deaths Spike in Summer Months

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | July 27, 2011

Patients should always be aware of the possibility for medical negligence or medical malpractice when visiting a hospital or any other medical facility. However, recently reviewed studies show that July may be the most dangerous month for patients in large, teaching hospitals. What has been know as the “July Effect” by many in the medical […]

Eliminating Errors in Patient Handoffs Key to Reducing Medical Malpractice Lawsuits

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | July 6, 2011

Very rarely will only one physician be responsible for a patient over the course of his or her entire medical treatment. When that responsibility is passed on to another caregiver, it is known as a “patient handoff.” Responsibility can be transferred from institution to institution, from one physician to another or even from nurse to […]