“Texting While Driving”

Passengers Must Speak up to Prevent Car Accidents

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | February 15, 2023

Passengers  have a big role to play in helping reduce a motorist’s risk of being involved in a car accident.   Passengers who speak up when the driver of their car is driving at excessive speeds or texting while driving can reduce their risk of being involved in a possibly serious auto accident. That  message is […]

Texting While Driving Ban Not Enough to Deter Car Accidents Stemming from Texting While Driving

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | April 23, 2014

Despite the fairly recent spate of Georgia laws banning texting while driving, as well as an accompanying push by mainstream media to educate consumers nationwide, motorists continue to regularly engage in the practice– either because they fail to recognize the very real risk presented by what has repeatedly been called one of the most precarious […]

Texting While Driving: New Twist on Liability and Car Accidents Causes Concern for Motorists/Friends and Family

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | September 17, 2013

In this technology-driven age, texting while driving is undoubtedly the most rampant of the distracted driving culprits. It has become so much of an issue that many states, including Georgia, have in recent years implemented bans against the practice – hoping that discouraging the conduct will subsequently curtail the number of car accidents that result. […]

Police Resort to Spying on Distracted Motorists in Order to Curb Car Accidents

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | November 8, 2012

Georgia is one of 38 states that currently have a ban on texting while driving. Previously, we’ve discussed the distracted driving law that passed in Georgia nearly two years ago. As a recap, current prohibitions include: – Text messaging banned for all drivers. Fines of $150. – Drivers under the age of 18 prohibited from […]

Texting While Driving a Problem for Young Motorists: NHTSA Unveils New Distracted Driving Measure and NTSB Issues All-Call for a Ban on Cell Phone Use

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | December 30, 2011

National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) chairman Deborah Hersman has called a 2010 car accident a “big red flag for all drivers.” A 19-year-old traveling near Missouri at 55 mph rear-ended a tractor trailer in the beginning of what could only be described as a deadly, multi-vehicle, chain collision. Initially, reports a writer for the Associated […]

Car Manufacturer Finds a Way around New Distracted Driving Laws: Car Crashes and Texting While Driving Still Pose Problems

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | November 17, 2011

The Governor’s Highway Safety Association, headquartered in Washington, D.C. has crafted a synopsis of all state cell phone and text messaging laws, available on its Website at http://www.ghsa.org/html/stateinfo/laws/cellphone_laws.html. According to their site, texting while driving has been banned in approximately 35 states so far, with Georgia joining the roster in late 2010. Aimed at curbing […]