Automobile Accidents

Do the Families of Uninsured Drivers Deserve Compensation? The New Jersey Supreme Court Says No

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | September 24, 2011

On August 29, 2011, the Supreme Court of New Jersey ruled that a statute barring uninsured motorists injured in automobile accidents from recovering also applied to the heirs of insured drivers who were killed as a result of an automobile accident. According to the New Jersey Law Journal, the Court ruled that an heir cannot […]

Dogs at Issue in New Distracted Driving Crackdown

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | August 26, 2011

A new study by AAA and Kurgo has reported that 52 percent of drivers admit to “petting their canine companions instead of paying attention to the road,” and another 17 percent allow their pets to sit in their laps while driving. This is all according to an article published on Edmunds Inside Line. Kurgo, a […]

Most Americans Strongly Support Rules to Reduce Teen Car Accidents

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | August 25, 2011

Automobile accidents are the biggest factor in teen wrongful deaths. Car accident lawyers believe that those fatality numbers could drop if more states, including Georgia adopted stronger teen driver graduated driver licensing programs. A new survey indicates that such programs have strong support. The survey by Allstate Insurance involved more than 1,000 adults, and tried […]

Does Too Much Auto Safety Technology Increase Car Accident Risks?

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | August 10, 2011

Atlanta car accident lawyers have acknowledged that the fact that cars now come with newer, better and improved auto safety aids to prevent accidents is a major reason why auto accident wrongful deaths are down over the past decade. However, as Americans get more used to cars that seem to be designed purely to avoid […]

Lack of Access to Trauma Care Places Georgia Tourists at High Risk of Car Accident Death

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | August 8, 2011

For most Atlanta residents planning a vacation this summer, access to emergency trauma care in their vacation destination is not really at the top of the priority list. In fact, most people on vacation don’t give a second thought to whether their holiday destination has easy and quick access to trauma care in the event […]

Children Have Lowered Risk of Accident-Related Injuries when Grandparents Are Driving the Car

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | July 22, 2011

Here’s some news Atlanta car accident attorneys don’t hear every day. A study has found that children who are involved in a car accident when one of their grandparents is driving a car, have a much lowered risk of suffering injuries than when they are involved in an auto accident in a car being driven […]

Georgia Supreme Court Rules Store Can Be Held Liable for Wrongful Deaths in Drunk Driving Accident

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | July 18, 2011

The Georgia Supreme Court has ruled that a convenience store that sold beer to a motorist, who was later involved in a fatal car accident that killed him and five other people, can be held liable in the auto accident. It’s an important decision, and will give people the right to recover not just from […]

Awareness Campaign Uses Skeleton Signs to Slow Down Drivers

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | June 16, 2011

Sometimes it takes a graphic image to incite people to do, or deter them from doing something. We’ve seen the strategy used in campaigns from everything to stopping consumers from smoking to striking fear in the hearts of drunk drivers. Now, one New York company has teamed up with New York City’s Department of Transportation […]