
Car Shopping for a Teen Driver: A Handy Checklist

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | July 1, 2017

Buying a new car for a teenager is a momentous decision. You are concerned about safety, while your teen wants a car that’s high on horsepower and style. How do you make the right choice? The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety recently released its top car picks for teenagers. The list provides a comprehensive range […]

Study Points to Stronger Correlation between Sleepiness and Accident Risk

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | May 7, 2017

Sleep experts have long believed that drowsiness or lack of sleep contributes to a higher accident risk involving drowsy drivers. A new study strongly confirms the link between less sleep and a higher accident risk. Earlier research conducted by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety had estimated that a total of 7% of all accidents, […]

Ridesharing Apps Contribute to Drop in Drunk Driving

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | April 22, 2017

As the bad news on distracted driving continues to grow, there is some good news in the war against drunk driving. A new study indicates that the popularity of ridesharing apps like Lyft and Uber is contributing to a drop in drunk driving collisions. The study was conducted in New York, and focused on those […]

Lifestyle-Related Medical Conditions Expose Truckers to Accident Risks

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | March 20, 2017

Medical conditions, such as cardiac disease, increase the risk of truckers suffering an emergency at the wheel, and raise their risks of being involved in an accident. That information comes from a new study, which focused on more than 49,000 commercial truck drivers. The researchers found that 34% of truck drivers suffered from at least […]

Safety Groups Call for Real-world-driving Requirement for New Truckers

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | February 3, 2017

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) recently released new rules for truck driver training that do not call for a minimum number of real-world driving hours. Now, a coalition of highway safety advocates is calling on the agency to require such minimum real-world driving experience. The coalition, which includes the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association, […]

Could it have been Avoided?: Six Indiana State Fair Attendees Die as a Result of Inadequate Inspection of Fair Stage

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | September 1, 2011

When we attend an entertainment event, normally we are thinking of how much fun the venue is likely to be. Whether or not the venue will be safe is normally the last thing on our minds. However, the tragic stage collapse that occurred at the Indiana State Fair on August 13, 2011 may change the […]

Does Too Much Auto Safety Technology Increase Car Accident Risks?

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | August 10, 2011

Atlanta car accident lawyers have acknowledged that the fact that cars now come with newer, better and improved auto safety aids to prevent accidents is a major reason why auto accident wrongful deaths are down over the past decade. However, as Americans get more used to cars that seem to be designed purely to avoid […]

Children Have Lowered Risk of Accident-Related Injuries when Grandparents Are Driving the Car

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | July 22, 2011

Here’s some news Atlanta car accident attorneys don’t hear every day. A study has found that children who are involved in a car accident when one of their grandparents is driving a car, have a much lowered risk of suffering injuries than when they are involved in an auto accident in a car being driven […]

Disturbing Trend towards Inflatable Mishaps Should Lead to More Regulations

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | June 10, 2011

Jump houses come in all forms and cater to children’s imaginations: slides, castles, ships, even obstacle courses. They offer parents much needed respite during outdoor playtime and are a popular item at parties. However, as a personal injury attorney in Atlanta, I know that, on breezy afternoons, they can also come with many perils. An […]