“car accidents”

US Car Accident Wrongful Deaths Hit Record Highs in First Quarter of 2022

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | September 19, 2022

The first three months of 2022 had more devastating news for American motorists with traffic and car accident wrongful deaths during this period of time hitting a 20-year high.  All estimates seem to suggest that far from offering hope for the future, the news on the traffic safety front does not seem to be getting […]

Georgia Roadways Ranked 14th in Condition, Cost- Effectiveness

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | January 1, 2022

A new report ranks Georgia roadways and highways at number 14 in the country  based on their condition. Every year, the Reason Foundation releases its annual report which measures and ranks all fifty states based on the condition of highways across the state, including the condition of its pavements, traffic congestion, condition of bridges and […]

How Princess Di’s Tragic Death Helped Make Roads Safer

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | August 15, 2017

August marks the 20th anniversary of the tragic death of Princess Diana. What many people are not aware of, however, is how Di’s tragic death in a Paris tunnel in 1997 significantly changed the driving landscape in France, and made roads in that country safer for all motorists. After the accident in a Paris tunnel […]

Improving Economy Translates into Higher Accident Risks

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | June 20, 2017

Car accident fatality rates are often linked to the state of the economy. As the US economy improves, experts are already identifying a perceptible increase in the number of people being killed in accidents. The logic linking a higher risk of accidents to an improved economy is fairly simple. When the economy is good, people […]

GDOT Shows Distracted Driving a Factor in Increase in Traffic Accident Fatalities

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | May 28, 2015

Motor vehicle accident fatalities continue to be a problem across the United States. This is true in Georgia, where the traffic accident fatality toll in the first half of 2015 looks set to exceed the number recorded the previous year. The Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) believes that distracted driving, accounts for much of that […]

2016 Trial Date Set for Deadly GM Defects: Faulty Ignition Switch the Culprit in Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Suits

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | November 7, 2014

Some would say this has been a hard year for auto giant General Motors. Times have been even more difficult, however, for those consumers directly affected by the series of safety issues that have plagued the company, caused car accidents and prompted millions of recalls. The recalls affected several models, including Chevrolet Cobalts, Saturn Ions, […]

Father Charged in Death of Own Child in Smyrna, Georgia DUI Car Accident

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | February 25, 2014

Fatal car accidents occurring as the result of a motorist driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol are always tragic. Just as unfortunate, is when the resulting car crash claims not only the lives of other, innocent motorists but also the lives of the inebriated motorist’s own passengers. All too often, we hear about […]

Drunk Driver Goes on Hit-and-Run Spree Ending in Car Accidents and Fatalities: Prevention is Key When it Comes to Drunk Driving Fatalities

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | February 15, 2013

In January of this year, a Georgia motorist allegedly took drunk driving to another level, embarking on what can only be described as a car crash crime spree. According to CBS Atlanta and the Huffington Post, 70-year-old Michael Snider was involved in hit-and-run accidents with as many as 17 vehicles before he was finally apprehended […]

Police Resort to Spying on Distracted Motorists in Order to Curb Car Accidents

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | November 8, 2012

Georgia is one of 38 states that currently have a ban on texting while driving. Previously, we’ve discussed the distracted driving law that passed in Georgia nearly two years ago. As a recap, current prohibitions include: – Text messaging banned for all drivers. Fines of $150. – Drivers under the age of 18 prohibited from […]

Deadly Car Accidents Challenging Atlanta Officials to Increase Response Times

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | April 23, 2012

A car accident doesn’t end when the vehicles involved cease to move. A car wreck, especially one with fatalities, can have far-reaching effects – on traffic, on witnesses, and most significantly on the families left behind. It can be a challenge determining exactly what happened, when it happened and who was involved. But oftentimes, another, […]