“pedestrian accident”

Anticipated Halloween Traffic A Cause for Concern for Both Trick-or-treaters and Motorists

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | October 31, 2013

Commuters this Halloween have already been forewarned to expect rush hour traffic to begin ghoulishly early on October 31st, with projections for congestion beginning as early at 1 pm. Experience itself suggests that no matter how early you leave work or how earnestly you plan beforehand, chances are you will be ensnared in some form […]

Continued Trend towards Pedestrian Accidents Gives Cause for Concern

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | March 7, 2012

Pedestrian accidents in Georgia appear to be on the rise, and it’s a very disturbing trend for those concerned about traffic safety – which is almost everyone. In 2006 the city of Atlanta, which includes Cobb, Fulton and DeKalb counties, had the highest pedestrian fatality rates – 16 died that year in each respective county. […]

School Bus Safety Still an Issue as More Child Pedestrians are Injured

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | December 12, 2011

School bus stop laws provide directives for what a motorist may and may not do while in the vicinity of a bus stop being operated by a school bus providing school transport. For drivers, not only are the rules of the road fairly simple when it comes to school bus safety, but the primary regulations […]

Awareness Campaign Uses Skeleton Signs to Slow Down Drivers

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | June 16, 2011

Sometimes it takes a graphic image to incite people to do, or deter them from doing something. We’ve seen the strategy used in campaigns from everything to stopping consumers from smoking to striking fear in the hearts of drunk drivers. Now, one New York company has teamed up with New York City’s Department of Transportation […]