Automobile Accidents

Georgia Included in 5 States that Account for Most Car Accidents

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | February 10, 2023

A new study by an insurance company ranks Georgia as one of five states that together account for more than 40% of all auto accident wrongful deaths in the country. In the first three quarters of 2022, a total of 31,785 car accident fatalities were recorded on American roads.  As many as 37% of these […]

Driver Education Key to Preventing First Responder Auto Accidents

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | February 2, 2023

Auto accidents involving first responders, including firefighters and other emergency workers, killed at least 50 such workers in 2022.  The Governors Highway Safety Association and other groups are ramping up efforts to educate drivers about the need to take care when they see emergency responders at an auto accident site. Most states have move – […]

Sleep Apnea Linked to Cognitive Deficits Post Traumatic Brain Injury

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | January 16, 2023

Car accident or motorcycle accident victims who suffer from a brain injury may also be at risk of suffering from sleep apnea, which, in turn, can impact cognitive function after their personal injury. The results of a new study that was published this month found that traumatic brain injury patients who also suffer from obstructive […]

NHTSA Study Finds Drugged Driving Accidents on the Rise

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | January 11, 2023

Even as the number of car accidents linked to driving under the influence of alcohol continue to stabilize, federal and Georgia traffic safety agencies are looking ahead at a new threat –  auto accidents caused by people driving under the influence of drugs. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recently released the results of a […]

Stronger GDL, Rear Seat Occupant Laws Could Prevent Car Accident Wrongful Deaths in Georgia

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | January 4, 2023

Georgia needs to focus even harder on the safety of rear seat passengers, and enact stronger GDL or Graduated Driver Licensing laws to help prevent more deaths in auto accidents every year. That information comes from a new report by Advocates for Auto and Highway Safety.  Every year, the organization releases its annual roadmap for […]

Try These Techniques to Avoid Drowsy Driving Auto Accidents

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | December 15, 2022

Falling asleep behind the wheel is much more common than we think, and it is probably for this reason that most people have plenty of suggestions to offer to prevent car accidents caused by sleepiness.  However, many of these techniques simply do not work, and in some cases, may actually make the sleepiness worse and […]

Georgia Authorities Warn of Car Accident Risks over Thanksgiving

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | December 2, 2022

Record  numbers of motorists are expected to throng Georgia highways this Thanksgiving, and  traffic enforcement agencies are warning of a higher risk of auto accidents. This is true with all holidays, but especially with holidays that result in extended days off for many workers. All holidays of this nature see a spike in the number […]

These Drowsy Driving Car Accident Statistics will Wake You Right Up

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | November 24, 2022

More than 300,000 auto accidents every year can be linked to fatigued drivers who fall asleep at the wheel, and more than 6000 of these crashes end in deaths. The first step to preventing this auto accidents is to make drivers aware of the risk of driving while fatigued. That data comes from the Governors […]

Digitally Recorded Supervised Driving Might help Prevent Teen Driver Car Accidents

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | November 11, 2022

Parents who make use of a smartphone app instead of the traditional pen and paper system to supervise their teen children’s mandatory practice driving hours could be helping the driver avoid car accidents and stay safe on the road.  Due to their limited experience, teen driver’s are more likely to be involved in an auto […]

Speeding, Cell Phone Use Biggest Car Accident Threat for Teen Drivers

By Robert N. Katz, Esq. | October 26, 2022

From inexperience to distractions from passengers, teen motorists  are faced with a variety of auto accident risks.   However, the two biggest risks facing teen motorists are their tendencies to drive at high speeds and use cell phones while driving. That information comes from the results of a new study presented recently at the American Academy […]